The Salahuddin Ayyubi series is a joint television venture between Pakistan and Turkey. The period series is based on the life of the Muslim warrior Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi. Produced by famous Pakistani and Turkish production houses. The first season of Adventure ended in Turkey. It aired in Turkey a few months ago. Season 1 is currently airing on Hum TV with Urdu dub. The drama initially featured a Turkish actor, but then Pakistani actor Noor Ul Hasan made a strong appearance as Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani in Season 1.
Well, the casting of season 2 has started and the series will have a strong cast as two talented TV stars in Pakistan have signed Salahaddin Ayyubi for season 2. Ahmed Ali Akbar shared a story on his Instagram confirming his presence. in season 2. Check out the story.