Askhat Orazbay
In modern reality, with ubiquitous population growth, rapid economic development of states and an increase in water consumption per capita, the burden on the environment is constantly increasing. Such an intensification of the anthropogenic impact induces and accelerates the processes of global climate change. In Central Asia, all these processes take place faster than the global average. The ecological crisis in the Aral Sea basin is accompanied by a progressive shortage and pollution of water resources, soil degradation and desertification of large areas, loss of forests, eco-landscape and biodiversity. A new desert – Aralkum with a size of more than 54 thousand square kilometers (for comparison: it is comparable to the territory of Croatia and much larger than Estonia, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland) was created on a huge area of the dry bottom of the Aral Sea.
In these tense conditions, it is highly important for the Central Asian states to develop new mechanisms for the development of cooperation in the region. The main goal of the presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in IFAS is to further increase the level of cooperation on the integrated use and protection of water resources, solving environmental problems, socio-economic aspects and introducing elements of the “green” economy in the countries of Central Asia.
During Kazakhstan’s presidency, we will continue to implement two main programs approved by the IFAS Council: the Aral Sea Basin Program-4 (ASBP-4) and its systematic monitoring, as well as the Regional Environmental Protection Program for Sustainable Development of Central Asia (REPPSD CA). The period of implementation of both programs – until 2030.
The environmental problem of the Aral Sea began to appear in the 1960s and 1970s, which led to the fact that there was practically nothing left of the 4th largest lake on our planet. First, the Aral Sea was divided into two reservoirs, then into three and…
During the years of independence, Kazakhstan, with the support of the World Bank, carried out comprehensive work and managed to restore a small part – the Small Aral Sea or the North Aral Sea, but this is only about 8% of its original value. The port city of Aralsk is still far from the water, which at first went to 100 km, but after the measures taken, it got significantly closer.
Particles and dust of salts and toxic chemicals left on the drained bottom of the Aral Sea are found not only in the Tian Shan and Pamir mountains, but also far beyond the borders of our region. To limit the removal of harmful substances, the countries of the Aral Sea region are actively involved in phytoremediation measures, planting saxaul (Haloxylon) and other vegetation.
But are plantings on the former reservoir bottom that effective? What is the current state of ecosystems? As is known, as a result of several years of low water in a row, the flow along the Syr Darya decreased and the volume of water in the North Aral Sea decreased from a maximum of 27 to 20 cubic kilometers. Fish catches have decreased and this has a negative impact on the employment of the local population. The disease of the population is increasing again due to desertification and deterioration of water quality… Will the tragedy repeat itself? What are the moods and plans of the locals? There are many questions and they are all related.
I believe that we need to study the whole range of problems and ongoing works, update them and try to solve them as soon as possible and efficiently.
In the Aral Sea Basin Program-4 (ASBP-4), which I mentioned earlier, environmental direction is emphasized as a separate main area, which consists of 12 project proposals.
I would like to note that joint actions for adaptation to climate change are envisaged, including adaptation measures for the most vulnerable sectors: water and agriculture, drinking water, energy, biodiversity, forests, pastures and mountain ecosystems. The development of a regional action plan for adaptation to climate change was envisaged, and thanks to the support of the GIZ “Green Central Asia” program of the German Society for International Cooperation, five of our countries developed and adopted the Regional Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia.
It also ensures the dissemination of best climate-adapted agricultural practices. We will have to develop a regional program for the protection of biological resources in Central Asia, implement measures to preserve and restore ecosystems in the basins of our main rivers – Amudarya and Syrdarya, and continue systematic forest plantations in the area of the Aral Sea (Priaralye) and on the drained bottom of the Aral Sea.
The following ecological projects ensure the development of a system for monitoring the state of the environment and water resources in the area of the Aral Sea (Priaralye) and on the drained seabed; development of ecological innovations and technologies in the region of the Aral Sea (Priaralye).
I consider such a project as “Improvement of water quality in rivers and reservoirs taking into account international standards, elimination and prevention of pollution including industrial waste” very important. Kazakhstan and other countries are working to attach the Protocol on Water and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, and Uzbekistan has recently joined.
Reducing the risks of natural disasters associated with floods, mudflows and droughts in the Aral Sea basin, studying the state of glaciers in the upper reaches of border rivers, developing cross-border eco-corridors, regional networks of specially protected natural areas for the preservation of biodiversity are far from an incomplete list of those projects that we need to promote during our IFAS chairmanship.
If we talk about new initiatives that will be implemented within the framework of Kazakhstan’s presidency of IFAS, then it is about creating a long-term and sustainable mechanism of regional cooperation for the effective use of water and energy resources in Central Asia, taking into account the interests of all countries in the region in the field of irrigation, water energy and ecology.
Systematic work is also needed to introduce a unified automated system for accounting, monitoring, management and distribution of water resources in the Aral Sea basin. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State-Founders of IFAS held on September 15, 2023 in Dushanbe, called on the parties to start implementing these initiatives.
An important role is played by strengthening regional cooperation with international development partners, UN structural entities, financial institutions and the donor community. It is worth intensifying activities within the framework of generally recognized international environmental conventions, action plans, declarations and joint statements.
In the period 2024-2026, Kazakhstan will take measures to implement the guidelines and agreements reached by the heads of state at the IFAS summit on September 15, 2023 in Dushanbe, as well as previously concluded agreements and commitments, which will ensure the coherence of the Central Asian Action to achieve the global goals of sustainable development and its status as a single region.
Author is Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)