MULTAN: Director, Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI) Dr Muhammad Naveed Afzal has urged cotton farmers not to delay planting cotton and start growing it as soon as land becomes available.
Dr. Afzal, in his speech published here on Monday, emphasized the need for leveling the laser field before any delay in planting cotton, especially before planting. He also recommends a deep soil and water analysis.
According to the analytical report, he advised farmers to ensure accurate application of recommended fertilizers. In the case of salt water, gypsum is recommended. Poor soil should be fertilized with 10 tons of farmyard manure per hectare.
He urged the farmers to breed disease-resistant seeds and check their quality before planting.
He also suggested cultivating certified cotton varieties and getting seeds from trusted dealers or registered companies.
Along with BT cotton, 10% non-BT cotton should also be planted, said the CCRI director. It is important to use broad-spectrum seeds to achieve good production in sandy soil. Farmers are told to use a mixture of insecticides to protect cotton plants from pests and diseases for 30-40 days.