ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has finally uploaded Forms 45, 46, 48 and 49 for National and Provincial Assembly constituencies on its website.
According to Section 95 of the Elections Act, the Electoral Commission is authorized to upload Form 45 to its website within 14 days.
In general and by-elections, Form 45 is consistently quoted and checked.
It provides details such as the total number of votes cast, a breakdown of the votes received by each candidate, and allows candidates to independently verify the number of votes from a polling station.
Form 46 contains information on the number of ballots received and drawn from the ballot box in the polling station. It also includes data on contested, invalid and canceled ballots, along with any legal implications associated with these numbers.
Form 47 gives details of the provisional results of the constituency as well as the number of votes cast and cancelled.
Form 48 is of considerable importance in the compilation of election results as it includes the sum of votes received by each candidate in the constituency. Form 49, published in the Gazette of Pakistan, serves as the official and final result. It lists the names of the candidates, their affiliated political parties and the number of votes obtained in the constituency.