Speaking to a private news channel, he said that spreading false and baseless narratives against anyone who opposed them was the norm for PTI.
He went on to say that disagreeing with them makes it difficult to maintain respect. The minister firmly stated that the government will not back down to such extortion tactics.
“Shall we give in to this blackmail? Will our laws and state institutions bow to them?” he asked, confirming the government’s stance against succumbing to intimidation.
Answering a question, he said that polarization is the main threat and information warfare is an inevitable reality. Fake news is being spread openly to create chaos, anarchy and mischief, he added.
Iqbal stressed that the government is focused on economic empowerment of the country and will not tolerate propaganda against the state.
He said the government cannot allow premeditated conspiracies to create a rift between the people and the state. Legal action will be taken against anyone caught spreading anti-state content, he added.