Mufti Ghulam Yasin
“Undoubtedly, the dignity of a father is unique. His position and respect are highly esteemed in Islam, to the extent that it cannot be easily overlooked within the Islamic lifestyle. The father is considered a great being in the world, and it is the aspiration of every father to provide their child with the highest standard of living, enabling them to lead a dignified life in society and contribute to social development. Allah blessed man with two significant blessings, teaching him the meaning of self-sacrifice and giving.
These relationships are moments filled with love and compassion, lasting even beyond this life. On the Day of Judgment, individuals will be called by these relationships. Seeing the faces of parents is akin to visiting the Bait-Ul-Allah. The son is the pride of his father, representing his strength and identity, ensuring his salvation in this world and the hereafter. However, disobedient children prematurely age their fathers.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: ‘When any person dies, their deeds cease, but there are three deeds in which their reward continues even after death. The third is the good son who continues to pray for them.’ Special emphasis has been placed on the issue of the son’s charity, as while the daughter is bound by the rights of her husband, the son also holds greater entitlement in inheritance.
A man may be strong, but even the steadiest of nerves falter when he becomes a father, worrying at the slightest inconvenience to his child. Parents are, in fact, the means by which humans come into the world; thus, our existence is dependent on them. Therefore, Allah Almighty has commanded in many places to be kind to parents and fulfill their rights. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) demonstrated kindness towards parents and taught His followers to obligatorily obey their parents.
As a father, children feel secure, living carefree lives. When a father’s health falters, children immediately realize the weight of responsibility upon their father. A father is a tremendous blessing from Allah, the Lord of Glory in this world. He fights fiercely for his children and spends his life ensuring their comfort, often sacrificing his own desires.
Rarely does one in the world celebrate another’s success over their own, yet the personality of a father is such that he desires his children to surpass him. He does not thrive on their achievements but instead strives for their best future, aiming for them to accomplish what he could not. A father is a sacred guardian who watches over his children throughout life.
Allah, glory unto Him, has emphasized the greatness of parents, instructing obedience to their every command except those conflicting with disobedience to Allah. Humbling oneself before them, taking care of them in old age, and serving them pave the way for attaining Paradise. A Companion once complained to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) about his father spending all his wealth. When the father learned of his son’s complaint to the Prophet, he was deeply saddened. On the way to the Prophet, he recited some heartfelt poems, expressing his care and sacrifices for his son.
Upon reciting these verses, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said to the son, ‘You and your property belong to your father.’ The Prophet acknowledged the father’s sacrifices and reminded the son to honor the rights of his father. Parents should always be endeavored to be kept happy, as their happiness invokes prayers from their hearts. Serving parents brings prosperity, blessings in sustenance, obedience from children, and acceptance of supplications and worship in the presence of Allah.
The pleasure of Allah Almighty lies within the happiness of the father, while His anger is concealed in the father’s displeasure.”