Petroleum products have been made cheaper by eight rupees on the part of the federal government but the people had not even breathed yet that CPPA has recommended to increase the price of electricity by five rupees per unit.
That game of winking between the prices of electricity, gas and petroleum products has been going on for the last four decades but it is not having any positive effect on the lives of the people, due to the shortcomings of all the current and former governments inflation is increasing year after year.
It is increasing in every succeeding political and dictatorial government goes around claiming that it has saved the country from total destruction but no government has yet answered the question that who brought it to the brink of destruction and who is responsible for it.
It should be remembered that even now the administration is doing its arbitrariness by entangling the people in the political debate, for which it does not have to be accountable to anyone because there is no elected government in the country.
This is the reason why the caretaker government whose ministers are singing the tune of all is good the preparation has been completed for another electricity bomb drop on the masses. According to the mainstream media the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) has submitted a request to Nepra to increase the price of electricity by 5 rupees 62 paisa per unit.
According to the sources the Central Power Purchasing Agency has requested to increase the price of electricity in the context of the December fuel price adjustment. In this regard, Nepra officials say that the hearing of the CPPA request will be held on January 31 and the request with the approval of the consumer the burden will be more than 49 billion rupees.
Readers know that when the caretaker government came it started a series of raids to reduce the value of the US, dollar under whose slavery the country has been depressed, this made the value of the rupee slightly lower but the dollar today So far has not been available in the market at cheap prices nor has the inflation been reduced as claimed.
Apart from that an economic coordination committee was also established to support the country’s economy so that loss-making institutions can be outsourced but it did not yield sufficient results. On the other hand the decrease in petroleum prices is often attributed to the increase in inflation. Whenever the prices of petroleum products are reduced, it has no effect on reducing inflation.
Economists state that the main reason for this is that the country’s economic system is being run like a wholesaler. That is why the country has no economic program of its own, except by spending IMF loan after loan on government needs which any semi-educated person can easily do.
The formula that has been adopted now is to borrow from international financial institutions and put the burden of payment on the people in the form of increasing the cost of utility bills and petroleum products or new taxes are put on the people.
Apart from this there is no better program that can be proud of and demand to be implemented again. If we examine the history in this regard some authoritarian thinking experts refer to the period of Zia and Musharraf, there was no perfection of the governments in this period but instead of the wars fought in Afghanistan and against terrorism, dollars were poured on the country.
It was raining of dollars which was not properly utilized due to which the country became more degraded. Even if the dollars of that era were kept, the situation would not be as bad as it is now. Now it has to be seen that when the current caretakers will refer the power to the elected government and in what form they will do it.