These days the story of Hazrat Saleh’s camel is being told a lot and often on social media platforms the incident of cutting off the camel’s foot in Sanghar is being compared to the Doom on the nation of Hazrat Saleh’s which was execute by All mighty Allah due to the camel of Saleh (AS) being killed, that destroyed the whole nation.
If you look at that, it is true to a large extent that what scams had happened in the markets of Madain or the Debauchery and obscenity that were common among “Ad & Thamud” at that time are found in us, so there is nothing far-fetched about it Doom could befall on us too. If seen this, now a days the punishment is that the country’s economy has been destroyed and no country in the world is ready to do business with us.
If these conditions are called punishment, then there will be no exaggeration. We all know the story of Hazrat Saleh’s camel and if anyone does not know then search on the internet, he will know everything in two minutes.
Accualy our today’s topic here is the increasing cruelty to animals which is a major sign of the brutality of any nation. It is said that if there was a list of countries with the most cases of cruelty to animals then Pakistan would definitely be in the top 10. It may be recalled that barely a few weeks after the heart-wrenching incident of a puppy being thrown from the balcony of a high-rise apartment in Karachi another blood-soaked video has surfaced on social media in which a farmer in Sanghar, Sindh cut off the leg of a camel whose only fault was that it had accidentally grazed grass from the said former’s field.
The video of the tearful and crying camel has become a top trend on social media and has been named as Cammie.
This trend is dominating people’s timelines on almost every social media platform. After that another tragedy came out when the news agencies reported a horrible case of animal abuse. Someone cut off the ears of a donkey in Rawalpindi. How long do we have to keep reminding people that the rights of animals must be respected and we should not think of them as helpless because Allah has taken responsibility for all his creatures? Allah does not do injustice to His creatures. Islam has always been tolerant of good treatment of animals and there are many cases in which mercy was ordered towards animals.
The question of what motivated these people to attack animals is irrelevant here? It may be mental stress poverty or government inaction but there is no excuse for the brutality we have seen in the last few weeks. We need to introduce stricter laws and punishments for these people. Ignoring such cases will only empower the evildoers. People who run animal shelters often describe the unspeakable horrors of the abuses that take place on a daily basis but our rulers probably have no idea to treat them.
To achieve this goal the government along with civil society members have to come forward and take responsibility for changing people’s behavior. Also, instead of hearing more screams of injured Cammie (camel) we need to raise awareness in the society by watching videos in which people are seen helping animals and saving their lives. Therefore we need events to convince us that humanity is not dead. We should at least try to be a society that does not torture speechless animals. It is not a rocket science that cannot be practiced. Therefore the entire nation will have to be mobilized and wherever such an incident is seen, it should be reported while the loopholes found in the laws of the country should be removed. So that such cruel landlords who are guilty of cruelty to animals will be punished.
A lesson can be punished and the speechless animals can be protected. Remember that God’s rod is silent, He never ignores the atrocities on His creatures. As it has been said in the Qur’an that every oppressor will be punished for his injustice and he will be questioned about every injustice. Therefore instead of inviting any divine punishment, we as a nation should correct our bad deeds. Otherwise we should be prepared for more punishments.