Chitral: Due to recent heavy snowfall in Chitral, roads in Bomburat Valley, Rambur, Ursun, Sheshi Koh, Janjirit Koh, Beuri and other areas have been closed for all types of vehicular traffic. NHA contractor cleared snow from Peshawar Chitral main highway and roads inside Chitral bazaar while C&W (Communications and Works) department cleared snow from other valleys. On the instructions of C&W Department Executive Engineer Tariq Murtaza and SDO Drosh Waqar Khan, contractor Haider Ali of Drosh Construction Company opened the road from Bomburit valley to Anish, Rambur road to Pondak and Sheshikoh road to Patigal after clearing the snow. However, due to continuous landslide, the clearing work is hindered by glaciers on the Sheshikoh road and huge rocks.
Officials of the concerned company worked hard day and night to open the way to Ursun Valley, Jangerit Koh and Beuri for all kinds of traffic. According to local people, the roads in Kailash Valley are with National Highways Authority but the snow is cleared from these roads by C&W department. Currently Garm Chashma, Karimabad, Sosum, Madagalsht etc. roads are still closed. However, the missionaries of the C&W Department are working round the clock. The road to Shishikoh is expected to be fully opened for all modes of traffic very soon. It will reduce people’s problems. A C&W department official revealed on condition of anonymity that they have not even received the M&R fund from last year and are working on their personal influence with the supplier.