Spain: Aidas J., a 50-year-old Lithuanian man in Alicante, Spain, is known as “gastrojeta” for faking a heart attack to avoid paying a local restaurant bill. Adidas was re-arrested last month after 20 years in prison for a heart attack, according to the 20 Minutos newspaper.
The arrests took place in several parts of the tourist area of Alicante, the last one eating a seafood paella and two whiskeys for a total of €34.85. When Calle El Buen Comer Mayor officials stopped Aida running after dinner, Fox9 reported that the gastrojet “looked upset.”
He explained that he had to run to his hotel room to get his wallet, but the staff wouldn’t let him. El País described the events that followed: “He was lying there, he acted like his chest hurt and he started shaking.” Employees and customers recognized him as a “gastrojeta” and discovered that he was not. He had a heart attack and was taken to the local police station in 20 minutes. Aidas remained there until he was tried for petty fraud.
The Daily Mail reported on Thursday that Aidas was jailed for 42 days after refusing to pay two fines for his “theatrics”.
Castilla-la Mancha Media interviewed staff at another restaurant where Aidas had another heart attack. Waitress Adias explained the situation, saying that a foreigner came into the restaurant and ordered a large seafood platter, two whiskeys and a coke, and tried to leave without paying.
He ordered in Spanish, but when he wanted to leave, he couldn’t communicate with any of the staff. The waitress said Aidas fell against the door and went into cardiac arrest until police arrived.
The photo below is posted as a warning to local restaurants not to serve him.
A 50-year-old man was arrested after having a heart attack at 20 restaurants for not paying his bill. A police officer told 20 Minutes that he arrested Aidan four times, and that the “gastrojeta” was usually smiling at the scene. . After each arrest, Aidas is usually under the influence of two whiskeys and “doesn’t mind sitting in a cell for a night or two before the judge goes to court.”