The Embassy of the State of Palestine in Pakistan has announced that the adoption of 3,000 Palestinian orphans is fraudulent and illegal, following reports published on social media in the past few days; Our embassy condemns this act and confirms that the policy of the State of Palestine includes sponsoring Palestinian orphans (only) inside the State of Palestine and not outside, and we confirm that no Palestinian orphans are sent to Pakistan.
We also want to draw attention to fake news and allegations related to the continuous spread of appeals for donations in a special bank account to collect donations for the Palestinian people due to genocide, criminal war and destruction in the Gaza Strip. Accordingly, before making a donation, donating to an orphan or helping a hidden family, we request Pakistanis to contact our embassy on this matter, so that we can refer you to an official, accredited and reliable leader.
The Embassy of the State of Palestine reserves all legal rights in these matters and will continue to cooperate with Pakistani authorities/officials.
We express our gratitude and appreciation to our Pakistani brothers, H.E. President, H.E. Prime Minister, government officials and the Pakistan Army.
We also appreciate organizations and individuals who have gone through accredited Pakistani institutions. We ensure that donations are sent to Palestine-Gaza and we continue to send them to Gaza through high cooperation with our Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), AI-Khidmat Foundation. , Gyzyz Esarymay and other organizations and individuals.