Raja Nusrat Ali
The low water level in the capital Islamabad speaks of the lethargic performance of the local governments or city administration in the past and the present. It may be the negative impact of prevalent political instability in the country but this is not sufficient cause to absolve the responsible from their responsibilities.
Water is basic need for all living things and its resources differ from region to region. Fortunately, the situation of our country is very favorable as regards its natural resources and the climate. The provision of the basic needs for the people and the appropriate use of natural resources is the responsibility of the state. Pakistan matters strategically in the comity of nations and its issues with its wily neighbor with hegemonic designs can never be considered inconsequential. A very strong and a time-tested state system is the immediate requirement to run the internal and external state affairs of Pakistan. Unfortunately, we lack in that. Pakistan has always been ruled on ad hoc basis throughout its history. So consequently, the flaws at every level in the state doings are natural phenomena.
Although every village, town and city of my dear homeland is important and deserves basic amenities, but the importance of the capital city is like a drawing room of the house which is specifically designed, built, facilitated, decorated and maintained with extra care in accordance with the vision, social status and financial standing of the owner of the house. It is because the owner’s inbuilt instinct which makes him do so to impress and honor his guests and others. So, the situation of the capital, location of the state offices, ministries, diplomatic enclaves, markets and housing schemes are the first impression of a country for the foreigners. It suggests the level of integrity, and the sense of self and sovereignty, of a nation. The sewerage system, optimum use of natural resources, roads, public places and cleanliness speak of the governess and the governing stance.
Luckily, we got this separate homeland on the basis of our Islamic faith under the dynamic, trustworthy and undisputed leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was a very big achievement for the Muslims of India for which Quaid-e-Azam pleaded and succeeded. Unfortunately, the life of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah did not allow him much time to set the direction for the newborn country in accordance his vision and underlying goals of the Pakistan Movement. Later the political opportunists of British age mainly encroached the power corridors and ran the affairs of the state with the help of British trained civil and military bureaucracy. With the passage of time military figured in the state matters more than any other stakeholder. For lack of political process or transparent political process not only many problems like nationalism, religious fanaticism and regionalism raised heads but also it gave birth to unhealthy political culture. The power politics and the dominance of families and personalities in the political parties are the low points of our politics.
Despite the political and the economic failures, we are nuclear power to address our security concerns and we also have a strong army and an efficient air force but for lack of political stability we are not commanding respect in the comity of nations as nuclear power and are faced with multiple internal and external challenges. The political uncertainty affects the working of the governments of any level and plans cannot be materialized.
Whatsoever the circumstances Islamabad city administration must be resolute to add to the natural beauty of the city rather than spoiling it with the heaps of garbage near or at public places or trekking destinations. The administration must take steps to avert the wastage of natural resources and utilize them to the benefit of the people. So that the tourists from anywhere feel the difference and adapt to the sophisticated culture of the capital city of Pakistan. We need to be extra cautious in projecting the culture of our capital city before the foreigners to neutralize the negativity related to our political and economic culture and suggest through our stance a responsible nation. The people of twin cities are faced with shortage of water supply and power outages. So, it must be a matter of great concern for the people at the helm of affairs that they are failing to provide even the basic need like water to its public. How long will the people keep buying water from water tankers and how many people can buy water on daily basis. These are the questions to be answered immediately. When a state does not care for its citizens, they lose pride to be citizen, get alienated and indifferent to state interests. They can be prone to break law, commit crime, evade tax and become disloyal to state. One of the reasons of our higher international rating in corruption and crimes is mainly the inefficiency of the state. So, we must feel our responsibility as a Pakistani and do our best for the country in whatever capacity. Only the responsible citizens can bring about change in Pakistan because their like and dislike matter and their vote possesses power.