SWAT: Prof. Dr. Hassan Sher, Vice Chancellor, University of Swat chaired a meeting of the Curriculum and Syllabi Review Committee (CSRC) for BS Degree Programs in Forestry.
This was the first meeting of the CSRC The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Higher Education, Archives & Libraries Department has assigned the task of reviewing the existing curriculum of BS Forestry to this committee to make it at par with indigenous needs and international standards. This committee will also review the courses received from different universities in the view to standardized BS Programs in terms of topics, width/depth of the contents, credit hours allocated for different courses, and scheme of studies with at least 70-80 credit hours for the relevant major discipline as per undergraduate and graduate policies of HEC. The committee consists of well-qualified and experienced faculty members of various universities including Dr Syed Moazzam Nizami, Professor, University of Haripur, Dr. Muhammad Kabir, Assistant Professor, University of Haripur, Dr. Muhammad Salim, Assistant Professor, University of Haripur, Dr. Alamgir Khan, Assistant Professor, SBBU Sheringal Upper Dir, Dr. Alam Zeb, Assistant Professor, SBBU Sheringal Upper Dir and Dr. Sajjad Saeed, Assistant Professor, PFI, Peshawar.
Prof. Dr. Hassan Sher appreciated the input of the committee members and appraised the meeting that subsequent meetings of the committee will be held to finalize the recommendations well in time. He thanked all the members for traveling to Swat from various parts of the region to fulfill their academic obligations.