Today is the birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan. This Pledge Day requires every citizen including politicians, rulers and elites to renew their pledge to take the country on the path of development.
The main reason is that the fathers of the nation had liberated the Muslims from the clutches of British imperialism but we have gone far from achieving this goal. Since the establishment of Pakistan till today, where this nation has suffered other losses, the fall of Dhaka on 16 December 1971 as a result of the collapse of the country. There are many heart-wrenching events that make people cry even when they are remembered that incident.
If we look at the bloody history of this country, which was obtained by crossing the river of fire. Then it is known that our leadership could not make the country an Islamic republic in the true sense, as per the decree of the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam.
The economy seems to be in a bad state. It should be remembered that Pakistan has been a victim of political and constitutional crises since its inception, the worst example of which is that the country remained without a constitution for nine years of its establishment.
While the first constitution was made in 1956, even though the nation did not agree on it. The second constitution was passed in 1962 and the third current constitution was passed in 1973. Meanwhile, the country’s first transparent general elections were held in 1970 but due to the differences between the leaders of East and West Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, the country was divided into two parts.
Apart from this, the current state of the country’s constitution is that it has not yet been fully implemented and since its commencement, various amendments have been made in it under the theory of necessity and it has failed to achieve its goals. It has been used for purpose of personal objectives. The current political situation of the country and the dysfunctional democracy ask all the active forces that what will be the future of this country? In which the common citizens are looking for their basic facilities, while the high officials and elites are enjoying all the comforts of life.
On the one hand they are receiving heavy government privileges while on the other hand they are exploiting the citizens who come for legitimate work, due to which they have lost faith in their political leaders and rulers, which is causing chaos in the country.
These are the deprivations that have been going on for years due to which the citizens are restless and they are often seen protesting against the abuses and rights. Ironically, the political leaders who call themselves the successors of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah are blaming each other for this unspeakable condition of the country.
Although the government periods of these political parties are reviewed all of them did not take such measures to improve the political and economic system of the country during their governments, for which the people have repeatedly elected them.
Although most of the political parties have been blaming the responsible forces for the deterioration of the state of the country they cannot acquit themselves because these parties have harmed the country’s interests just to take revenge. This is the reason why the country has not yet been able to stand on its own feet and is dependent on foreign loans.
What is even more ironic is that even these days the political parties involved in the race for power do not have any program to run the country in the future. That is why they have not yet brought out their election manifesto.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement a new agreement between all the operational forces for the best future of the country, then the country can be made an independent Islamic Republic according to the decrees of the father of the nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah.