The Arjun Kapoor-Bhumi Pednekar starrer The Lady Killer has had a unique journey. Its trailer was quietly dropped on the internet a few days before its release. It hit cinemas on November 3 in very limited screens across the country as a token release. Many couldn’t see it in cinemas and were waiting for it to be out on digital. And the wait is now finally over.
Today, that is, September 2, The Lady Killer started streaming on the YouTube channel of T-Series. And interestingly, it’s available not on rent or pay per view but for free of cost.
Directed by Ajay Bahl, The Lady Killer is the story of a chemist who gets in a mess when he gets involved with a mysterious woman. After the film was out in cinemas, Ajay Bahl revealed in an interview that the thriller was released in cinemas though its shoot was not fully complete.